
本知识库文章适用于SQ / MQ-100,SQ / MQ-200,SQ / MQ-300和SQ-400系列。

Customers often contact Apogee Instruments to inquire about whether quantum sensors and meters can be used to measure the radiation intensity from light emitting diodes (LEDs), as LEDs are becoming increasingly common as light sources for plant growth in controlled environments and coral growth in aquariums.另一篇文章provided some qualitative information regarding the use of a broadband device (i.e. quantum/PAR sensors or meters) to measure a narrowband radiation source (i.e. many LEDs currently on the market), where it was stated that a spectroradiometer is the best instrument to accurately measure light intensity of LEDs (see the October 5, 2011 post titled ‘Comparisons in Quantum Sensor Output for Different Light Sources’). While this is true, quantum meters can be used to measure LED intensity, and many customers use them for this application. As a result, an estimate of Apogee quantum meter accuracy for measuring LEDs is very practical.

Quantum传感器/仪表设计用于测量400至700nm之间的光子的总数,光合作用辐射(PAR)范围。与量子计(或传感器)相关的误差来自具有与用于校准仪表的源不同的频谱的源的光的光称为光谱误差。出现光谱误差,因为没有量子计完全匹配定义的量子响应,这意味着它们不会响应400nm和700nm之间的所有波长的光。PhoGee量子仪对大约370nm和665nm之间的波长敏感,由于扩散器中使用的蓝色颜料,450nm和650nm之间的相对平坦的响应(图1)。然而,它们对光合作用范围内的波长同样敏感(图1)。为了确定光谱误差,需要测量量子仪,校准光源和光源的光谱响应以及一些依赖的依赖性计算(有关详细信息,请参阅Federer和Tanner,1966; Ross和Sulev,2000)。




表格1:Theoretical Spectral Errors for Apogee Quantum Meter Measurements of Multiple LED Sources

LED 电动校准错误[%]
蓝色(448 nm峰,10 nm fwhm) -10.7
Green (524 nm peak, 15 nm FWHM) 5.8
Red (635 nm peak, 10 nm FWHM) 4.7
凉爽的白色 -4.2
中性白 -6.1.
温暖的白色 -9.9
红色,蓝色混合物 2.7
红色,绿色,蓝色混合物 3.5

更多的光酸ce spectral errors and information on how to correct for those errors, visit流行光源的光谱误差以及如何纠正它们





T5酷白色荧光光谱(灯泡使用的灯泡电光校准量子计;黑线)与宽带白色LED相比(酷白色荧光 - 蓝线,中性白色荧光 - 绿线,暖白色荧光 - 红线)和定义量子响应(灰线)。

图3:T5酷白色荧光光谱(灯泡使用的灯泡电光校准量子计;黑线)与宽带白色LED相比(酷白色荧光 - 蓝线,中性白色荧光 - 绿线,暖白色荧光 - 红线)和定义量子响应(灰线)。

T5 cool white fluorescent spectrum (lamp used by Apogee for electric light calibration of quantum meters; black line) compared to mixtures of narrowband color LEDs (red/blue – blue line, red/green/blue – red line) and defined quantum response (gray line).

Figure 4:T5 cool white fluorescent spectrum (lamp used by Apogee for electric light calibration of quantum meters; black line) compared to mixtures of narrowband color LEDs (red/blue – blue line, red/green/blue – red line) and defined quantum response (gray line).


Federer, C.A. and C.B. Tanner, 1966. Sensors for measuring light available for photosynthesis. Ecology 47:654-657.
Ross,J.和M. Sulev,2000.标准率测量的错误来源。农业和森林气象100:103-125。